During the @Waveform discussion about Windows Recall, @mkbhd brought up that if someone has your admin password you are already in a bad spot. Well with Windows Recall, These Phone scammers now have not only your admin password, but now they have your bank info, your social security number, everything. People who don't know better are in so much trouble. About SpecVengeance's Company: Bradenton PC Repair Address: 6703 14th St. W. #106 Bradenton, FL 34207 Phone number: 941-567-4019 Website: http://www.BradentonPCRepair.com Streamed from Bradenton PC Repair! The best computer repair store in Bradenton. Computer Repair & Gaming Computer Specialist For All Brands And Models in Lakewood ranch and Bradenton. We are committed to providing the best, affordable, and professional computer repair. Services available in Bradenton, Lakewood Ranch, and Manatee county.